Magdalena Shakti
Landed 2nd October 1974
Ascended Saturday 2.05am 21st November 2020
Rise In Peace 💜
Below you will find a tribute to my dearest sister Magdalena Shakti who was my sweet sister of love and compassion.
I have compiled all of the information from her website to tell her story and keep her memory alive. Please visit the shop to purchase a unique, one of a kind t-shirt which were designed and made by Magdalena herself.
All proceeds raised are donated to her mother and son.
It was an honour to walk by her side in this lifetime and share so many wonderful memories together over the last 20 years. The day we met I fell in love with your crystaline clear, magical soul.
Magdalena was a Yoga Teacher, Meditator, Healer, Healthy Lifestyle Advocate, Artist, Writer, Dancer, Traveller, Dreamer, Truth & Goodness Lover, Woman, Mother, Daughter, Friend, Spiritual Warrior Goddess on a Yogic Path. Body, Mind, Heart & Soul - Human Being. She was all that and more.
She was also diagnosed with breast cancer in September 2018.
Her Journey to Life was platform for sharing her experiences, for tapping into the web of life, for letting the world know about herself and about all that she learnt as she walked the path of healing. She tried to take control of her health. She took control of my life. She had a lot to share and to contribute to the world and to the lives of others. Her journey was a powerful one. She discovered so much every day. She truly hoped from the depths of her heart that she could touch and enrich your life in some meaningful way.
She stood in her power and truth. Raw, authentic, real, and at times vulnerable.
Her Story
There is so much to tell and it is challenging to put it all into words. She created a story of the key points of what was her life and how it led her down to path to organising a fundraiser. There is a video and transcript entitled Long Story Short where you can read or watch/listen to her story.
She believed that her personality created her personal reality. Letting go of her past personality then means letting go of her past personal reality. As she evolved and recreated herself into a new personality, She created a new personal reality where cancer cannot exist.
Sharing with the world her truth about her journey, and talking publicly about cancer was for her a form of death of her old self, of her past image and it was a part of becoming a new Magda; with different lifestyle choices, thoughts and circumstances, free from disease.
It was very difficult for her to come out and share her truth. There is so much stigma, stereotyping, fear, shame and misconceptions about cancer. It is such a taboo yet is so intimately woven into our society. Statistics tell us that 1 in 5 men and 1 in 6 women worldwide develop cancer during their lifetime. That means that all of us are likely to be impacted by cancer either personally or through the story of someone close to us. On a macrocosmic level it is a reflection of human population becoming an ever growing cancerous tumour for our planet Earth. From microcosmic point of view then by healing each of our lives individually we contribute to the healing of the collective and of our mother Gaia.
Magda came to realise that sharing her experience and asking for help was an important part of healing. It was an act of self love and courage growing out of the acknowledgement of her self-worth. She had nothing to lose and so much to gain, and so, decided to go ahead and shed light into darkness in a hope that by illuminating her story she would serve not only herself but also those who crossed her path on her journey to life. She wished to inspire others to believe that cancer doesn’t need to be a death sentence. There are many options available in the realm of Integrative and Holistic health care and many medically documented examples of remissions from every type and stage of this dis-ease of imbalance and disharmony.
Here is a video from a Sun Power Yoga presentation we did at London Yoga Show back in 2011.
Yoga had been a passion, a part of her daily life and indispensable tool for her personal conscious evolution for over 20 years. The immense depth of it’s wisdom had always resonated with her on all levels; body, mind and soul. She trained as a Yoga Teacher with Sun Power Yoga in 2010 and began working with Anne Marie Newland, its founder, assisting in her teacher trainings. She continued expanding her experience adding to her curriculum Pregnancy and Womb Yoga with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli and Enchanted Wonders Kids Yoga with Ayala Homossany.
On her healing journey, yoga had always been there for her too. In the later stages, she had not been able to teach or do much physical asana practice due to cancer metastasising to her spine and lungs. She decided that it would not limit her personal practice but instead she chose to see it as an opportunity to expand into different dimensions of this pre-fund science of self development. She had been continuously applying yogic principles to her life and deepening her understanding and practice of meditation. She discovered a profound spiritual connection and healing through techniques of Dr Joe Dispenza.
She learnt to meditate deeply, to live in the moment, to trust and truly surrender to the divine, to let go of the need to control, knowing that God will reveal the next step as shed walked her path with love, faith and integrity. She was grateful for meditation, which she practised regardless of circumstances. She was able to dive really deep into this profound science of meaningful connection with the Great Spirit. It was literally a life and sanity saver for her in the most challenging of times.
Void Meditation with Magdalena Shakti for the "Elemental Healing Temple'
Join Magdalena for a deep Dive into the Void meditation, understand what the void is and why its so important that we visit it. journey into the space of NO-thingness where the whole universe is at your fingertips. Learn to manifest health, wealth and happiness by a daily visit to the void.
All is Love